Friday, May 22, 2009

Goodbye Apie!

Apie, by the way, is the nickname that Grandma Dianne gave to Elizabeth's apnea monitor. ;)

Today someone from Children's Home Health came and picked up the apnea monitor! At her last check up, her doctor said she could be done with it! So I'm glad for a couple of reasons: its easier getting her ready for bed, she's more comfortable at night without the band around her chest, no more worrying about false (or real!) alarms, etc.

But I'm also nervous! I liked having that extra protection, the extra monitoring, just in case something were to ever happen. Even though nothing did since her first "episode." Except for one false alarm, according to the doctor, that scared the crap out of us. Also an alarm went off because something got disconnected. But running in there thinking your daughter isn't breathing to find out something with the wires was off - augh! Such a relief but I think my heart skipped a few beats!

And both of those alarms were within a couple weeks of being done with the apnea monitor. We realized that one of the wires attached to her chest band got stretched somehow, so that is probably what caused the alarms.

So it is bittersweet saying goodbye to Apie. It was really nice having you here, but I'm not totally sad to see you go.
And hey, we'll always have the AngelCare!

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