Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Furbabies

I'm thinking that my two furbabies are getting jealous of all the attention that the human baby is getting! So here is a post dedicated solely to my furbabies, Molly and Dugan.

We got Molly when I was 3 days away from turning 10 years old. Someone had dumped her when she was pregnant. The vet said she was approximately two years old at the time, which would put her at around 16 years old now. She is the best cuddler and the most friendly dog in the world. Here is her pretty face:

Dugan is one of the 6 puppies that Molly delivered on March 25, 1995. Dugan turned 14 this year! Obviously, we kept him. =) He actually had the most white on him out of all of the puppies. Here is his handsome face:

Here are both of my puppies snuggling with me on the couch. This was just a few weeks before my wedding, when I was all tan and thin and had long hair. And I didn't even appreciate it! *sigh*

This about sums up their personalities: Dugan had taken Molly's Christmas present and chewed on it constantly. He had a blue one just like her pink one and he wanted nothing to do with it. And Molly is just being a spaz, as usual.

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